The Australian Academy of Science provides independent, authoritative and influential scientific advice, promotes international scientific engagement, builds public awareness and understanding of science, and champions, celebrates and supports excellence in Australian science.

  • Federal Budget 2024-25 science and research snapshot

    Science and research snapshot

    Visit our interactive dashboard of science and research expenditure.

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  • Australian Science, Australia's Future

    Australian Science, Australia’s Future: Science 2035

    The Academy is developing a 10-year plan to demonstrate how science needs to evolve to achieve our national ambitions.

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  • Celebrating 70 years

    To this day, the Academy remains an independent organisation of distinguished Australian scientists, championing science for the benefit of all.

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  • Celebrating Indigenous scientists

    Two scientists have been recognised for raising the voice of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research.

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  • Federal Budget 2024-25 science and research snapshot
    Science and research snapshot
  • Australian Science, Australia's Future
    Australian Science, Australia’s Future: Science 2035
  • Celebrating 70 years
  • Celebrating Indigenous scientists

© 2024 Australian Academy of Science
